College Examination 2024

(Pastoral Ministry) College Examination 12th Dec. 2024 The Church Leadership Family Life (Marriage) Completion & Submission Date 15th January 2025 – Time: 5:00 pm


Study of Salvation The term “soteriology” comes from two Greek terms, namely, soter meaning “savior” or “deliverer” and logos meaning “word,” “matter,” or “thing.” In Christian systematic theology it is used to refer to the study of the biblical doctrine of salvation. It often includes such topics as the nature and extent of the atonement as well as the entire…

Angelology – Angels

The term “angelology” comes from two Greek terms, namely, aggelos (pronounced angelos) meaning “messenger” or “angel” and logos meaning “word,” “matter,” or “thing.” In Christian systematic theology it is used to refer to the study of the biblical doctrine of angels. It includes such topics as the origin, existence, and nature of angels, classifications of angels, the service and works…

Study Christology

What Is Christology? Definition and Importance Christology, derived from “Christ,” referring to Jesus, and “-ology,” meaning “the study of,” is the study of Christ, both Jesus as a person and the works of Christ. Christology is far-reaching. As one might expect, it covers Jesus’ earthly birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. However, it also pertains to His eternal existence prior…

Our Calling

About the College Theology and Missions The History of CTM and Who We Are! Mission The College of Theology and Missions is a Bible training college that exists to educate men and women to declare God’s glory among the nations and to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our homes, marketplaces, and communities. Our mission, therefore, is “Everyone builds…

Study of Missions

For many, there isn’t a clear path to becoming a missionary long term. They wrestle with their calling, wonder what the qualifications are, and worry if they can make it physically and financially. CTM missionary training programs make the journey easy by providing a clear path to a lifetime of impact overseas. Since 1998, College of Theology and Missions has trained Christian missionaries…

Missions Studies Program

Our mission is to take the whole word to the whole world! And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority is given to Me in Heaven and the earth. Therefore go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things,…

Study of Theology

Theology is the study of God, His character, actions concerning the universe, and especially God’s relationship to man.  The breadth and complexity of theology’s subject matter are unrivaled among human sciences.  This creates utterly unique challenges for theological reflection.  Over the centuries, theology schools have developed ways of organizing this complexity that make theology more manageable.  Presently, a common form…

Leadership Study Program

Leadership in the Local Church Provide Leadership Across the Organization: Good Leadership is responsible for the church, ministry, or business growth and development as any other aspect of ministry or business.  Poor Leadership will bring devastating consequences; good leadership brings great benefits to all. Providing Leadership across the organization helps to address the skills as they apply to you in your church or ministry…

Leadership Programs

College Leadership Programs for Students. Why You Should Take Advantage For many college students, what happens outside the classroom is just as impactful as what they learn from their professors inside. A number of important life lessons and soft skills cannot easily be “taught,” but are instead learned through experience. College leadership programs for students are one way that some…

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