Are you Called and Equipped?

Are you Called and Equipped?

Has God called you to ministry? Though all Christians are called to serve the cause of Christ, God calls certain persons to serve the Church as pastors and other ministers mention in Ephesians 4:11-14.

Writing to young Timothy, the Apostle Paul confirmed that if a man aspires to be a pastor, “it is a fine work he aspires to do.” (1Timothy 3:1, NASB) Likewise, it is a high honor to be called of God into the ministry of the Church. How do you know if God is calling you? Two things to be assure of the inner witness of the Holy Spirit and the confirmation and affirmation of the others in the local church, especially those close to you.

The Inward Call

First, there is an inward call. Through his Spirit, God speaks to those persons he has called to serve as pastors and ministers of his Church. The great Reformer Martin Luther described this inward call as “God’s voice heard by faith.” Those whom God has called know this call by a sense of leading, purpose and growing commitment.

This sense of compulsion should prompt the believer to consider whether God may be calling him to the ministry. Has God gifted you with the fervent desire to preach? Has he equipped you with the gifts necessary for ministry? Do you love God’s Word and feel called to teach and peach? Spurgeon warned those who sought his counsel not to preach if they could help it. “But,” Spurgeon continued, “if he cannot help it, and he must preach or die, then he is the man.” That sense of urgent commission is one of the central marks of an authentic call. Charles Spurgeon identified the first sign of God’s call to the ministry as “an intense, all-absorbing desire for the work.” Those called by God sense a growing compulsion to preach and teach the Word, and to minister to the people of God.

The External Call

Second, there is the external call. Baptists and others evangelicals believe that God uses the congregation to “call out the called” to ministry. The congregation must evaluate and affirm the calling and gifts of the believer who knows within himself/herself called to the ministry. As a family of faith, the congregation should recognize and celebrate the gifts of ministry given to its members, and take responsibility to encourage those whom God has called to respond to that call with joy and submission.

These days, some if not many people think of careers rather than callings. The biblical challenge to “consider your call” should be extended from the call to salvation to the call to the ministry. John Newton, famous for writing “Amazing Grace,” once remarked that “None but He who made the world can make a Minister of the Gospel.” Only God can call a true minister, and only he can grant the minister the gifts necessary for service. But the great promise of Scripture is that God does call ministers, and presents these servants as gifts to the Church. One key issue here is a common misunderstanding about the will of God. Some models of evangelical piety imply that God’s will is something difficult for us to accept. We sometimes confuse this further by talking about “surrendering” to the will of God. As Paul makes clear in Romans 12:2, the will of God is good, worthy of eager acceptance, and perfect. Those called by God to teach and preach will be given a desire to teach/preach as well as the gifts of teaching/preaching. Beyond this, the God-called preacher will feel the same compulsion as the great Apostle, who said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16, ESV)

Consider your calling. Do you sense that God is calling you to ministry, whether as pastor or another servant of the Church? Do you burn with a compulsion to proclaim the Word, share the Gospel, and care for God’s flock? Has this call been confirmed and encouraged by those Christians who know you best?

God is still calling men and women today . . .  he is calling you now, are you listen to his voice or rejecting the voice of the Spirit of God.  Are you saying “Yes” of  “No”!

Are you called to ministry? Are you equipped?

If you’re called to ministry, then you are called to prepare. College of Theology and Missions is committed to offering an exceptional, Christ-centered biblical education while honoring your family, professional and financial commitments. Whether you are pursuing an on-campus Certificate, Diploma, Degree or taking one of our online courses to begin your journey, CTM has a program to equip you for more faithful service.

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