College Examination 2024

(Pastoral Ministry)

The Church

  1. What is the Church? It’s vision and mission as presented in the NT Bible? (Write 2 or more pages of an article)
  2. The word translated church in the New Testament is from the Greek word ekklesia which means an assembly or congregation. As a Pastor in Charge of local Assembly, how will you explain this to the local Congregation members of Church?
  3. What are the Ordinances of the local church as given and practice in the NT era? (Write 2 or more pages explaining, the scriptural viewpoints with references)
  4. As a resident pastor of the Local Church, develop an evangelism and discipleship plan of action for the local Church that will engage everyone for growth and multiplication.
  5. What is Pastor Ministry according to the Bible? (Write 2 or more pages’ article)


  1. The term an Elder, Overseer, Pastor and Bishop, is it an office or a function? Define and Explain with Bible references.
  2. Explain the term “Minister of the Word or Minister of the Gospel”
  3. List the biblical qualifications, mentioned in the Pastoral Epistles and taught in the class.
  4. What is Church Government and Why it’s necessary? Give scriptural verses to support your presentation. (Write two or more pages articles)
  5. What is Church Administration? Define and explain various viewpoints.
  6. Explain the 9 keys to effective Church Management taught in during the course session
  7. Write 2 pages or more and explain from the Bible viewpoints; the subject of Biblical Ordination practice in the early Church and why it’s necessary today?
  8. What is your Pastoral Ethics? (Write your own, 2 or more pages on the topic)

Family Life (Marriage)

  1. Write 2 or more pages of an article defending the biblical concept of monogamous marriage as opposed to the polygamous marriage view practice by some. Give scriptural text reference.
  2. Develop an outline for officiating a Marriage ceremony as a pastor in charge of the local church.
  3. As a pastor in Charge of the local Church, it is a mandatory policy for couples to go through biblical counselling session before the act of marriage rite are perform with you as an officiating minister. (Explain and defend yourself)
  4. What is marriages rite recognized and permitted by the bye-laws of the constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Give details!
  5. By the Byelaws of the republic of Ghana who is qualified to officiate an act of marriage ceremony, that is legally recognized by the provisions of law. Give reasons and explain?
  6. As the resident pastor, how will you provide pastoral presence to a bereaved family of your local church?

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