Our Calling

About the College Theology and Missions The History of CTM and Who We Are! Mission The College of Theology and Missions is a Bible training college that exists to educate men and women to declare God’s glory among the nations and to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our homes, marketplaces, and communities. Our mission, therefore, is “Everyone builds…

Study of Theology

Theology is the study of God, His character, actions concerning the universe, and especially God’s relationship to man.  The breadth and complexity of theology’s subject matter are unrivaled among human sciences.  This creates utterly unique challenges for theological reflection.  Over the centuries, theology schools have developed ways of organizing this complexity that make theology more manageable.  Presently, a common form…

Leadership Study Program

Leadership in the Local Church Provide Leadership Across the Organization: Good Leadership is responsible for the church, ministry, or business growth and development as any other aspect of ministry or business.  Poor Leadership will bring devastating consequences; good leadership brings great benefits to all. Providing Leadership across the organization helps to address the skills as they apply to you in your church or ministry…

Leadership Programs

College Leadership Programs for Students. Why You Should Take Advantage For many college students, what happens outside the classroom is just as impactful as what they learn from their professors inside. A number of important life lessons and soft skills cannot easily be “taught,” but are instead learned through experience. College leadership programs for students are one way that some…

College Certification

Certificate in Biblical Studies Become equipped to study and teach the Bible confidently When you earn your Certificate in Biblical Studies from College of Theology & Missions, you’ll learn how to apply biblical truth to the practical challenges you may face as you live and serve, wherever God calls you. Be equipped to study the Old Testament and New Testament…

College Admission

Welcome To College of Theology and Missions. Are you feeling a call to a deeper walk with the Lord? You may or may not feel called into ministry, yet you are sensing that the Holy Spirit is leading you to take action and make His Word a greater priority in your life. If so, we invite you to join our…

Academic Program

Biblical Learning to help you Live Out your Calling College of Theology and Missions is a one of a kind institution with the purpose of teaching you the whole Counsel of God, Word of God, verse-by-verse, through the entire Bible in two years. Our focus is the most important knowledge in the entire world; knowing God through His living and written…

Group Student Study

Accusamus risus praesentium nullam aliquam, commodo vulputate quam fermentum magna architecto ante, facere taciti adipisci, distinctio, malesuada viverra, diamlorem hic diamlorem. Ante aperiam. Expedita, viverra minus nesciunt? Ullamco, faucibus ipsum torquent rutrum aptent lectus id, eos! Quidem. Debitis quia magna, ullam alias, aperiam primis. Corrupti? Tristique. Ultricies vestibulum soluta, urna, rem reiciendis. Feugiat rhoncus. Incidunt saepe voluptatem fermentum. Viverra posuere!…

Learning, Friendship And Fun For Everyone

Odit perspiciatis laboriosam sequi dis rerum platea! Assumenda quasi, ante pretium sequi semper! Irure habitasse! Maecenas maecenas accusamus, quam neque, duis, commodi pulvinar sociis! Nascetur inceptos taciti class fuga ad, volutpat veniam optio quibusdam architecto laoreet, fames repellendus, molestie? Ex, voluptates expedita curae beatae id! Quidem repellat nunc id vulputate, aspernatur dignissim corrupti facilisi suscipit magnis voluptatem, rem nam cumque,…

Sharing The Ideas Together

Quam voluptatum habitant viverra. Tincidunt quaerat habitant eius porro quam duis eget perferendis magnis optio praesent animi dignissimos dicta wisi, semper! Ad scelerisque donec nostrud ratione posuere aliqua accusamus laudantium, amet vehicula elit natus vehicula facere consequuntur habitant consequatur convallis! Eveniet perspiciatis, doloribus nonummy auctor varius accusantium congue cursus quos, ratione odio? Aspernatur nisi metus! Ratione vehicula fusce feugiat leo!…

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